Long Ship Physics Problems


I have personally experienced this in Version 0.25 as I sent up my own ISS. (International Space Station)

I had a very long main payload which every other part would dock to.
As I got it into orbit and attached my first addition (crew quarters), the station started to wobble. And not like jiggle just a little to annoy me, I mean, it wobbled to the point where the docking ports collided inside of each other at the same time as the quarters clipped the fuel tanks causing the whole thing to blow itself up.

I already use struts which tremendously help the main payload stop from wobbling, but additions cause it to blow itself up.

Is there a weight or length limit for how much a ship can endure before it wobbles to death?

Best Answer

The simple answer to your question is there isn't a limit to the length or weight a vessel can be. The limiting factor is stability.

It sounds like your ship simply isn't stable enough. A normal player will find the limits of structural integrity pretty quickly is KSP hence the popular saying "Moar Struts!!!" In your case that sounds like the answer.

Moar Struts

You'll find a sausage ship very unstable but you can improve stability with girders (or i-beams) and struts like this:

Stabilise with struts

It's not pretty, but it does the job.

Here's how things can get even easier: Strut in orbit - no not the moonwalk - building the struts onto the ship while in space. How? Try Kerbal Attachment System mod.

Better Struts

The link escapes me right now, but there is a mod call Quantum Struts which, by pure magic, struts your docking ports together to make them even stronger. This will help.

Last resort

Like MBraedley said in the comments, RCS and Reaction Control Wheels will make your station more unstable. Turn them off ASAP. Or experiment with them in different places, I have an inkling that positioning them centrally will make the station more stable.