Kerbal-Space-Program – Why Control is Lost Near Mun in Kerbal Space Program


I built a ship and launched it into orbit, then set it on a trajectory for the Mun. I accelerated time until the ship was near it. At this point, the Mun was between my ship and Kerbin. I went to do another maneuver in order to orbit the Mun, but the ship was nonresponsive. I had plenty of fuel and battery, but the ship was completely inert. I could not even open/close the storage bay I had. The ship eventually continued on its path, and when I was near Kerbin again, I was able to operate the ship, run the engine, etc. perfectly. Is there some range restriction from Kerbin outside of which your ship does not work? Is there a module to fix this issue? Or was it an isolated glitch?

Best Answer

I reproduced the problem last night... I was still warping time a little bit.

Oops. :(

The reason the ship started working again near Kerbin is that the game automatically disables the time warp at that point.