Low-tier battles with high-tier players


My biggest shock in transition from Grille to Hummel was not in the vehicle. Sure, better traversals, higher damage, better travel times, but these were all just small quantitative changes.

The greatest shock was the change in gameplay culture in higher tier battles. Teamwork. Caution. Tactics. Sense of responsibility for safety of teammates. Specialization. I won't forget a scout I asked to hide, lying in wait patiently for good five minutes while I was busy supporting the team of heavies opposing a massive assault at a choke point. Once the heat was off, "Scout, go!" and we mopped up the rest of enemy stragglers. That was so completely unlike the suicidal maniacs rushing the enemy front lines and dying before artillery and snipers can ever get in position, so common in lower tiers.

Still, I have some lower-tier tanks (like my still favorite Pz.Sfl. IVb) I very much like for their handling and features, but as I join their low-tier battles, my blood pressure rises when I watch the gameplay style of my team. I'd love to play it with good, experienced players playing in tanks of the same tier.

I know I could join a platoon of a higher tier, but then the gun of my tank will be equivalent of pea shot on enemy armor. My poor-tier vehicle would be a hindrance to my high-level team. That's not entirely my idea of fun.

What are my other options to play low-tier matches in low-tier vehicles, but with experienced players?

Best Answer

You could play in a Junior Tank Company. Additionally, leaving Assault/Encounter mode checked when playing low tiers allows you to get into those matches with your low tier tank. Since you need to have unlocked a Tier 4 and Tier 6 tank to play those game modes respectively, most players in those game modes will have more experience on average than you'd get out of a normal battle.