Maneuvering the ball effectively while in a corner


I'm starting to get the hang of this game but I'm having a bit of trouble when the ball ends up in one of the rounded corners on either side of the opponents goal. Often the ball gets struck and simply ends in a slow, high arc in the air. Is there a recommended approach or strategy to control the ball and get it moving toward the goal instead of the typical smash-fest that keeps it in the corner and rolling up the wall?

Best Answer

After watching pros such as Kronovi play 1v1 matches (or even 3v3/4v4), I have to say one of the best strategies for getting the ball off of the corner wall is this:

  • Drive up the wall and position yourself as close to the ball as possible
  • Jump and flip (sideways or backward depending on your angle) to hit the ball up and away from the wall
  • Attempt to get the ball to hit the ceiling so it falls down faster
  • If you have boost, jump again and fly at the ball to push it toward the goal

It's a very tricky tactic, but if you can pull it off, it catches your opponent(s) off guard 80% of the time.