Man’o’War Battles


In Assassin's Creed IV, I find Man-o-War's kind of useful as they have a lot of Loot on them. But the problem is I can't defeat them, because they are too strong and have a LOT of health. I even found a Man-o-War docked next to this island with Templars on it, but when you enter it's restricted zone someone starts shooting at you so it's impossible to get on the ship.


( My Jackdaw has three bars of health and I'm low on metal and iron, which I can't anywhere at all)

Best Answer

there are places in the world where a Man'o'War is idle, these i normally find to be areas where you can be detected while you sail, there may be areas outside these however it's easier here because you can see what their light of sight is.

here's is the process i go about capturing them

  1. Sail the Jackdaw around into their blind spot behind and aim the ship so it's directly in line

  2. when i am as close as i can be i let go of the wheel and run to the front of the Jackdaw and jump off them

  3. while swiming to avoid getting shot i remain underwater trying only to come up for air as little as i can, (this part is hit and miss but i find chances of success better with a 3rd health upgrade)

  4. Once at the Ma'o'War i climb onto it, being on it stops the sniper attacks (i assume they are snipers)

  5. i climb to the top without getting detected and kill of the gunmen on the main masts, using the guns they drop and my own i try and kill off as much of the crew as i can taking out the strongest first.

  6. After everyone is dead, jump off the back of the Man'o'War and swim back to the Jackdaw

  7. Sail alongside the Man'o'War and fire off a round, the Man'o'War will be instently cripled

  8. during the boarding phase you will not fight anyone (at least i don't), instead the only things to do to capture the ships is to blow up barrels and take down the flag

it can take anywhere between 10 - 30 minutes depending on how careful you want to be, obviously a quicker method is a max out Jackdaw but this way is much more fun.