Mass-effect – Are any missions mutually exclusive


This is a pretty simple one. Are there any missions in the game that are mutually exclusive? That is, are there any two or more missions that are uncompletable in a single playthrough?

For example, say the missions Kill Guys #5, Fetch Quest #11, and Planet Scanner #19 are available to complete. When I finish mission Fetch Quest #11, mission Kill Guys #5 becomes unavailable. However, at the same time, if I finish Kill Guys #5, mission Fetch Quest #11 becomes unavailable. Therefore, it's impossible to complete Kill Guys #5 and Fetch Quest #11 in a single playthrough due to the missions canceling each other out.

Are there any actual scenarios like the example above in the game?

Best Answer

Nope. As long as you complete the timed missions and other side missions before Priority missions, you won't miss any.