Mass-effect – Does it matter who I send to repair the tower on Palaven’s moon


I'm doing the mission where you're sent to Palaven's moon to rescue the Turian primarch, you need to repair a communications tower. I have the option to either send James or Liara.

Does the progress or outcome of the mission change at all depending on who I choose? Am I at risk of losing anyone? I know this seems kind of weird to ask so early in the game, but after having so recently finished ME2 and having to choose people for the Suicide Mission (and this is war, y'know), I'm a little paranoid.

Best Answer

It makes no difference. It just comes down to who you want by your side while you fight off the wave of husks, an event that lasts only a minute or two. After that, your party member will rejoin you.

If you could lose a party member this way, I would have happily used it to kill off James Vega.