Mass-effect – How to locate and defend against cloaked Geth Hunters


Geth Hunters make heavy use of cloaks and are almost impossible to detect, unless you observe keenly or shoot at them. Are there any ways to highlight them and find out where they are?

Best Answer

All cloaked enemies "shimmer" slightly, which can help you find them if you know approximately where they're moving.

If you just don't have a clue, open up with an automatic weapon and walk your fire across the general area. Area of effect attacks are pretty good at exposing them as well. Weapons like grenades or mines, or powers like Singularity can help.

In general, once you've done damage, their cloak will fail temporarily, giving you an opportunity to target them and do serious damage.

Another tactic which kind of works "by default" is to just wait for them to flank you - if you know they're coming, stay in cover and wait for them, and then target them with short range, high power attacks when they decloak and start to attack. It's risky, but if you're low on ammo/grenades and can't employ these other strategies, you might not have many other options.