Mass-effect – Is it wise to trust Aria T’Loak


I encountered Aria in the bar on the Citadel, and she offered to lend her influence over the criminal/mercenary gangs if I was willing to solve a few problems for each gang or its leader.

I'm playing a full Paragon run though, so I'm trying not to be overtly evil.

Is it wise to trust Aria? Should I be encouraging and aiding these criminal organizations?

How much are they worth as far as War Assets are concerned if I help them? Will I run into trouble later on as a result?

Best Answer

Is it wise to trust Aria?

Well, you certainly don't want to ...mess with her. But yes, trusting Aria's judgment is a good idea in this case. I'll have to check on the specific numbers, but I recall the combined force of these three gangs adding at least a few hundred points to your War Assets. And let's face it, unless a Paragon plans on asking the Reapers nicely to leave, they need all the help they can get - even if it is from miscreant scum.

Gaining the support of each of the groups can at first seem to put you in some situations that a Paragon Shepard might find disagreeable, but there are conversation options that will allow you to resolve the situations without you having to get your hands too dirty.