Mass-effect – What are the differences in HP/Shield/Barrier and damage stats between multiplayer difficulties


I see a lot of assumptions and guesswork, but can anyone confirm (with a source) the differences between HP/Shield/Barrier pools, and the damage output modifiers applied in each separate challenge? BioWare is very vague when it comes to concrete numbers of damage, health, exact modifier values or anything for that matter.

Mathematics preferred for theorycrafting. Thanks!

Best Answer

BRONZE Stats(Category="GethPrime", CategoryData=((StatName="MaxHealth",StatRange=(X=5000.0f,Y=7500.0f)),(StatName="MaxShields",StatRange=(X=3500.0f,Y=5250.0f)),(StatName="ShieldDrone_MaxHealth",StatRange=(X=300.0f,Y=375.0f)),(StatName="Turret_MaxHealth",StatRange=(X=250.0f,Y=325.0f))

GOLD Stats(Category="GethPrime", CategoryData=((StatName="MaxHealth",StatRange=(X=11250.0f,Y=16875.0f)),(StatName="MaxShields",StatRange=(X=7875.0f,Y=11812.0f)),(StatName="ShieldDrone_MaxHealth",StatRange=(X=300.0f,Y=375.0f)),(StatName="Turret_MaxHealth",StatRange=(X=250.0f,Y=325.0f))

Every other stat is the same, for how much the shield drone heals and how often, how often drone and turret spawn, etc...

I am unsure for the difference between X stats and Y stats, my best guess is the Y stats is when it is "target" in the select missions to kill the 4 targets, because they are always harder to kill.

If want more information or on a specific monster leave a comment and I can update for that specific monster, but those numbers should be true for every monster. Which is about a 50% increase in health/shields per difficulty level.