Mass-effect – What’s the theoretical maximum amount of war assets that can be acquired


And to make it simple, let's say it's for a non-imported game without DLC.

The reason I ask is Bioware told me I'd be able to finish the game and get the best ending without needing multiplayer or the iOS apps. However, I'm still about 3000 short of the best ending without increasing Galactic Readiness, yet I've been fairly meticulous. I'm sure I've gotten most, if not all, of the Citadel missions, and I even managed to unite the quarians and geth. In fact, the only thing left in my mission list is find intel on Eden Prime, but that's essentially locked out after waking Javik.

So, if I were to go through the game and make all the best choices, what would be my Total Military Strength (TMS)?

Best Answer

I just did a quick count through the wiki, and I got 6500 +/- 200 for non-DLC non-imported character options. I may have accidentally counted some mutually exclusive options. That gives an EMS of around 3000.

Not enough to get the "Shepard Lives" ending(4000), but certainly enough for synthesis(2800)