Mass-effect – Where is Dekuuna


I just go the mission "Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction" and I need to go to the planet Dekuuna. The mission does not specify where I should go to find this planet and I don't see any indication anywhere on the galaxy map of where I should go. So, what mass relay and system should I go to in order to find Dekuuna?

Best Answer

The Elcor homeworld of Dekunna is in the Silean Nebula, in the Phontes system. I see that you've found Oltan - Oltan is actually a satellite of Dekuuna, so it should be right there.

If you found the Elcor asset there, you're in the right place - the ships you're looking for are apparently on Oltan, actually. (It's even possible you already found this one without realizing it, maybe)

More at the Mass Effect wiki.