Mass-effect – Where is this terminal


I have to activate the terminal for the Hanar Diplomat quest, but I can't seem to find it? The only terminal I can find in the security checkpoint area (I'm standing next to it on the map) cannot be interacted with.

enter image description here

Best Answer

That terminal's about halfway down the hallway between the elevator and the first of two security grids. Coming from the elevator, I believe it's on the left hand side.

Looking at your screenshot, on the map it's to the right of you; if you back out of the map you'd want to look to your left. It's on the wall between two red couches.

It should be highlighted with a circle when you approach it - if not, you might have missed a previous terminal or there could be some other issue.

UPDATE: Some users are reporting that the quest is potentially bugged - make sure if you start this mission that you run it through to completion before doing anything else!