“Mazing” Into a secret room


I started a run (curse of the maze) and when I walked out of the item room (the first room I went into) I teleported into the secret room. From my experience, curse of the maze only messes up rooms in the same row/column on the map, however the secret room was not opened and was not adjacent to any room I had previously been in. Is this normal, or has this happened to anybody else?

Best Answer

As far as I'm aware, it's normal, I've been teleported into curse rooms with curse of the maze( and I had no hp left to exit at that time), or into a boss room on the complete other side of the level. If my memory isn't failing me I even teleported into an item shop through it once.

I'm pretty sure curse of the maze can teleport you anywhere, but it has a high chance of teleporting you a room backwards or some other room nearby. There is a low chance of being thrown into any room on the level.