Bioshock Infinite – How to Stop Mecha-Washingtons from Destroying Flagship


I'm at the part where you have to defend the flagship against waves of attacking zeppelins carrying hordes of soldiers. I'm playing on Hard difficulty, so enemies soak up enough damage that I can't quite keep up with them, and they slowly destroy the ship's core. (I don't even want to think about dealing with this on 1999 Mode…)

What strategies are effective in this fight? Should I be saving my "air strikes" for the gunships, or should I be using them against the infantry on the decks? How do I deal with the Patriots?

Best Answer

This one took me a few times as well. Ultimately, you want to prioritize:

  • Gunships (which cause a medium airstrike cooldown)
  • Patriots on deck (which cause a low airstrike cooldown)
  • Zeppelins (which cause a high airstrike cooldown)

Gunships (the boats that fire rockets constantly) will do the most damage to your airship core and need to be dropped first.

Zeppelins don't actually directly damage the airship core... they just launch Patriots. If there are no gunships to target, you can use a short 'airstrike' cooldown to help you clear the deck, then take down any Zeppelin's that are targetable with the next 'airstrike'.

Also remember that, when dealing with Patriots:

  • Clear as many of the humans off the deck as you can first. You'll want to damage the Patriots from behind and that is hard if you have the Vox pumping you full of lead.
  • If you've taken Possession upgrade, it's usually better to CC one of the humans that toss fire grenades or fire rockets. They'll do some damage to the Patriots, then helpfully remove themselves from the fight.
  • Patriots can be briefly controlled with Possession, but will become hostile afterward. Since they come in pairs, alternate which one you crowd-control (CC), get behind the hostile one while it's distracted, and fire into its back for bonus damage. If you alternate, one of them will die and the other one will be low enough that a few shots with a higher-powered weapon should drop it.

In addition, there are RPGs on the wall beside the starboard (right) side of the core and another one on the deck below. These do decent damage (especially if upgraded), and Elizabeth should feed you enough ammo to keep you firing them. If you haven't upgraded the RPG, though, favor another heavy-hitter that you've upgraded (in my case, it was the Hand Cannon).

Lastly, the enemies all come in waves triggered by clearing the last one. You can use this to your advantage by leaving one low-damage person alive, kiting them around (or just letting them fire at the core and do negligible damage), waiting for your 'airstrike' to come off of cooldown, then finishing the straggler off. This will make sure you have an airstrike ready for the beginning of the next wave.