Mechanics of Invasion


Today I've been invaded for the first time and I kept being invaded for quite some time after that, in succession. In the beginning only one invader came and he was killed. Another one came and I killed him too. The third time two invaders came and I died. At this point I thought no one would come anymore but I was wrong. The fourth time two invader came and I managed to kill them both. The fifth time a single invader was sent back with his ass kicked. At this point I burned a human effigy because I wanted to fight the boss of the area. This made me wonder why I was never invaded before and out of the blue an horde of invaders came to my world.
At that point I've never invaded anyone.

Another weird thing is that even tho I'm in the "Way of Blue" covenant and wearing the ring I was never helped. Do I have to do something (other than what I did already) in order to summon a blue ghost? Do the blue sentinels need to just wear the ring in order to be automatically summoned or they need to use the blue orb? Does the area I'm in affects invasion/help (ie: blue sentinels can be summoned even if we actually are in two different areas from the game?)

My question is: what's the mechanic of invasion? Is there something I can do to lower/increment the change to be invaded? How can I summon blue ghost if I'm invaded?

It may seems a lot of questions but they are all related to the same topic: How does the invasion system work?

Best Answer

I'm a blue knight and yes I have to wear my ring for you to summon me and you must be in human form with your ring on to summon me. I've been summon from random places all across the map, even to areas I hadn't yet been too. The only place I wasn't summon to was the bell tower as that was a pvp area for the protectors of the bell covenant. If you were in that area, if you weren't human, if you weren't wearing the ring and one of us wasn't wearing our ring, that is why you couldn't summon one of us.

As for summoning and invasion The way it worked in dark souls 1 and dark souls 2 are different to make it more fair. It depends both on soul level and soul memory. Your soul level is what level you are while your soul memory is based off of how souls you spent on your armor weapon and levels. You can find it in your player status menu. It's to help fight against over powered people fighting under powered people.

Hope this helps and praise the sun.