Minecraft – 1.11 testfor mob’s health


I'm making a map for 1.11, and I need to test for a zombie with a certain health. I tried:

/testfor @e[type=zombie] {CustomName:"HEROBRINE",Health:9s}

But it didn't work.

Best Answer

The Health tag's datatype was changed from Short to Float in 1.9, while the old HealF tag was removed. To declare a Float, you append the numerical value with an "f". You can also check the custom name with the name parameter in the selector instead of detecting it through raw NBT data:

/testfor @e[type=zombie,name=HEROBRINE] {Health:9f}

However, because the datatype is Float, it is highly unlikely that its health will be exactly 9.0. If at any point the mob takes a fraction of health, it essentially becomes impossible to detect the health of non-player entities.