Minecraft 1.7.2 server, can’t join from remote and even local user


I have a problem with Minecraft Server 1.7.2, I started it successfully, my port is forwarded on router, another player can join to my server, but there is error in the server log:

[22:05:03 INFO]: GameProfile{id='null', name='Player'} (/IP:65158) lost connection: Disconnected

And also I tried to join from the machine were server is working and there was the same error.

Could you please advise, what can be the reason for that?

Also, please clarify if there is option for enabling DEBUG level logs on the server.

Best Answer

I am aware that this question has already been answered in the comments. I'm writing this so this question will be removed from the list of unanswered questions.

It seem that you use a cracked Minecraft launcher which means that your account can not be verified on the Mojang servers. A way around this is to go to server.properties and change online mode to false this will allow you to connect to your server without the server verifying the legitimacy of your account

Original answer by Dillmo.