Minecraft 1.7.9 Crashing (Not Responding)


So, for some reason my Minecraft keeps unresponding.

I've tried updating Java, completely deleting my .minecraft folder and re-installing Minecraft and everything but it never seems to fix my issue.

If I open Minecraft and don't leave the window, I can play it for as long as I'd like and it works fine.

If I ever switch to Chrome or something else from my Minecraft window and then go back to it, it'll show that it's unresponding and then if I click anywhere it goes fully grey and says loading.

I've let it load for up to an hour and it never actually works.

If I close my Minecraft and run it again, it will work fine until I leave it.

This issue has been going on for a week or so.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Pretty strange problem, I've never seen it before. If I were you I would go over to your startup page (launcher) and click "Edit Profile" on your main profile and follow these steps:

  1. Find the button that says "Launcher Visibility" and check the checkbox.

  2. Select the dropdown menu to the right of the checkbox, once open select "Keep the launcher open".

  3. Save profile.

  4. Once saved you should return to the home screen, from there you should see a top menu with 3 tabs: Update Notes, Development Console and Profile Editor. Click Development Console.

  5. Press play and do what you need to do to get it to not respond.

After you have completed all of those copy and paste the text in the development console and send it over to Minecraft Support (https://help.mojang.com/) and post a thread with the text from the development console. They should be able to get into depth on how to fix it! Good luck!

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