Minecraft – Are monsters destroying the walls


I have created a mud wall around my "estate" about 7-8 blocks high, just to keep monsters from getting too close to my house, especially creepers.

Sometimes when I wake up there can be one block just missing from my wall even though I never had anything trying to attack me the night before.

Is this an enemy damaging my wall or some sort of glitch?

This is Minecraft for the PS4 by the way

Best Answer

As mentioned in the comments, it sounds like an Enderman has come to visit. These creatures spawn in darkness and (amongst other things) will pick up certain blocks and move them around, as described on the Minecraft Wiki:

Endermen have a unique ability to pick up certain block types and move them around, which they generally spend their time doing while neutral. They can also step up one full block without having to jump.

In terms of defending your home from Endermen, the answers to this question have some tips you may want to try. Alternatively, you can try building your home (and surrounding wall) out of materials that an Enderman can't move, such as stone or brick (the Wiki article has a full list of blocks that they can move.)