Minecraft – Are there any advantages to having an axe with silk touch


In an NPC village, a villager wanted to trade me diamond axe with silk touch. If I were to trade that axe for 10 emeralds, are there any advantages over a regular diamond axe?

trade window

Best Answer

Looking at the page from the Minecraft Wiki, it has a few uses, which are normally unavailable to non-silk-touch axes:

  • Harvesting Huge Mushrooms
  • Bookshelves
  • Harvesting Ice
  • Mycelium
  • Podzol
  • Packed Ice

I bolded the huge mushrooms because it is the only item that it is truly the fastest to harvest with an axe. All the other blocks in the list are better to harvest with another tool, but I put them in because it is possible to harvest with an axe.

(By the way, the axe works like a normal diamond axe, with the added ability to harvest the above items)