Minecraft – Are there places where pumpkins are likely to occur


I am building a castle with at least four towers in Minecraft. Each tower needs 10 Jack ‘o' Lanterns, but I have only found 20 pumpkins yet.

Do pumpkins really occur at random, or are there places I should look? I have found 14 in grass and 6 in snow so far.

Best Answer

I've found a number of pumpkin groups in forests, others (like yourself) have found them in grassland and snow. Unfortunately, the code for generating pumpkins looks like this:

if (rand.nextInt(32) == 0) {
    (new WorldGenPumpkin()).generate(worldObj, rand, i14, i16, l18)

Which indicates a 1/32 chance of when generating a chunk . From there the code generates a 64 random positions within that chunk, and the positions that match a certain criteria (a block of air with grass below) makes a pumpkin. No mention of any particular biome at all.

Pumpkin generation per biome is random*. Sorry!

*as of 1.5_01