Minecraft – Bandwidth usage per minecraft player


I have a working MC server and multiple users who log on, however due to poor connection/excessive ping play can become unbearable

Does anyone know of a definitive or close approximation to the bandwidth required per player connected in a minecraft server?

Any information or links regarding this topic would be helpful 🙂 thanks.


As has been mentioned, the amount will vary greatly.

Using the specific case of:

  • 64 mobs hostile+passive
  • 144 loaded chunks
  • 4 players (not moving)

would someone with sufficient knowledge be able to break down net usage of this use case? e.g. usage per mob / usage per chunk…

and/or provide a total average usage of the above case

Please know that estimations WILL DO (per player)

Best Answer

If the chunks are not being updated, the players are still and the mobs are also still, it is only 1 byte per tick. So, 20 bytes/s.

If all the players are moving and so are the mobs, it is 42 bytes per tick per mob. So: 68 mobs * 42 bytes per tick * 20 ticks per second = 57.1kb/s.

Add in chunk updates: 68 mobs * 42 bytes per tick + 2 chunks per tick * 18 bytes + size of compressed chunk (16 kb for just 1 block 64x16x16) *20 ticks per second = 642.856 kb/s.

This is still very low usage because redstone would cause extra chunk updates as lava and water would. As well, only 64 mobs is quite few. Mainly, it is chunk updates that cause the problem. If the average player is exploring for new terrain, you can expect 10 or maybe 15 chunks to be updating at a time so then it becomes (using 15 as our number), 4.802 mb/s. It is all explained here: www.wiki.vg/Protocol