Minecraft Bow Command ./give multiple enchants


So I have this one command creation that I want to use. And I am not sure about the syntax. I want to put multiple enchants on my bow. Can you guys help me with my command so that it works?

Here is my command:

/.give @p minecraft:bow 1 0 {display:{Lore:[Forged by Dark_Matrix9]}, Unbreakable:1ench:[{id:48,lvl:10000,id:49,lvl:10000,id:50,lvl:10000,id:51,lvl:10000]}

How do I connect the enchants?

Best Answer

You missed out a comma in your command. Also, you have a full-stop after you slash. You also missed out a curly brace. Also, you did not format the enchantments correctly. Here's your command:

/give @p minecraft:bow 1 0 {display:{Lore:[Forged by Dark_Matrix9]}, Unbreakable:1, ench:[{id:48,lvl:10000}, {id:49, lvl:10000}, {id:50, lvl:10000}, {id:51, lvl:10000}]}

This is what you get: enter image description here