Minecraft – Can baby zombies break down a door if only one block is placed in front


I have a village near my base and to make sure zombies don't break into the houses, I put a block in front of each of the doors. But I'm not sure if that prevents baby villagers from breaking down the door or not. If there is only one block in front of the door, does it stop baby zombies from breaking down doors? And does it matter if the block is in front of the top or bottom part of the door? Also, does the orientation of the door affect whether or not they can break the door down?

Best Answer

To my knowledge, baby zombies can't break doors at all. I just tested having one aggro a villager through a wooden door, and the baby zombie did not break the door.

If you'd like to test it yourself, go into creative and test it using ' /summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {IsBaby:1} ' (The ~'s denote your current x,y, and z coordinates). Put him outside an enclosed building with a door, that has a villager in it.