Minecraft – Check if player has item, if so remove it


I'm messing around with command blocks, and I'm wanting to try and make an XP vending machine. My idea is if you click a button with a Diamond in your hand, 1 diamond gets removed and you get x amount of XP.

Is this possible using command blocks? If so, what commands would I need to look at? I already know /xp myAmount @p, it's just the checking/removing of items I can't seem to get.

Best Answer

Try this, By using /clear, you can scan people for items. If you want to remove certain items, use

/clear @p(or <playername>) <itemid>

For example, on a server that doesn't want griefing you could have a clock connected to a command block set to /clear @p minecraft:flint_and_steel, you can also specify how much of an item to remover by doing /clear @p minecraft:flint_and_steel 3, this would clear three Flint and Steel.