Minecraft – command block – “you must be a player to use this command!’


I'm getting this output message in the command block interface when I'm trying to execute an automatic cinematic with the plugin "CPCameraStudioReborn":

You must be a player to use this command!

I even tried to use /execute like so:

execute @p ~ ~ ~ /cam start 3s cinema

Is there a way to run this command automatically? Like spawning an armor stand entity which would perform it? Or even using a plugin like "citizen" to make an NPC do it for me?

Best Answer

If you have the plugin 'Essentials', try the following:

/sudo <your playername> c:/cam start 3s cinema

Minecraft's default 'execute' command does not always work with plugins.

Differences between 'execute' and 'sudo':

While 'execute' runs the command as console with the player's position, 'sudo' runs the command as if the player would have run it.