MInecraft command blocks to track days on a server


I'm trying to make a command block setup to keep track of each day that passes on my server so that I can trigger "random" events at different intervals. I thought i had it figured out by using this guide:

enter image description here

But after making it, I noticed it was scoring each player separately. I had 10 days passed, my friend joined and I noticed he had 2 days passed when I glanced at the log. I need ONE global counter for days across the server.

Can someone please explain how to do this step by step?

Best Answer

Yes, you probably have a command along this line /scoreboard players add NAME @a 1 or something. This adds a count to everyone, but what you need is a global one not dependent on players.

And here it is! Simply summon an armor stand with a name or something and set the @a to @e[type=armor_stand,name=NAME]

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