Minecraft commands help


I am trying to use the setblock command to place a chest with a sunflower named 'jumping joy' in it. This is the command that I am using:

/setblock ~2 ~2 ~ minecraft:chest 0 destroy{Items:[id:175'Count:1,Slot:0,tag:{Name:"jumping joy"}}}]} 

but it keeps saying Invalid tag encountered, expected '{' as first char.

What am I doing wrong here?

Best Answer

There are a couple things wrong with this.

/setblock ~2 ~2 ~ minecraft:chest 0 destroy{Items:[id:175'Count:1,Slot:0,tag:{Name:"jumping joy"}}}]} 

For one thing, there's no space after "destroy". Next, tag:{Name:"jumping joy"} is not the syntax to name an item. You'll need to use tag:{display{Name:"jumping joy"}} for that. Next, you have a single quote instead of a comma after id:175. Lastly, you should not be using numerical item ID's if you're in version 1.8 or later. They're depreciated in 1.8, and removed in 1.9 and upwards.