Minecraft – Creating a Linux (or Minecraft) Macro that would change the seed number to a random number and start the server


I am new to Linux so any help is good help. I am trying to make a Minecraft Hardcore server for me and friends, where once you die, you are dead and can only spectate, but that is not what I need help with. I want to try to find a command or macro on either Linux or minecraft itself to go in to the properties file, change the seed to a random number, and start up the server again (a nice feature would also be to turn off the server first, but I can do that if I need to) The whole idea of this is so it is like a one life server, but the map changes every time we all die. Any help would be awesome. Thank you.

Best Answer

If you are OK with the world being deleted, you can just delete the world folder (using rm). When you restart the server a new world will be generated.

If you do not specify a seed in server.properties, it is only stored in level.dat, meaning that it gets reset when you delete the world folder and chosen randomly the next time you start the server.

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