Minecraft – Creating an Overworld portal to a specific location in the Nether


I have been reading the Wiki lately and have read some interesting facts about portals. One thing in I was interested in was the teleportation aspect.

First thing I did with success is placing the old portal I had in a different location. I didn't like the location at all,

I did the following.

  • Build the new portal in the Overworld.
  • Wrote the coordinates and calculated where the new portal should be ( x/8 | z/8)
  • I broke my old portal, and used the new one to teleport to the nether
  • In the Nether I broke the old one, and build the new one as close to the right spot
  • Went back and came out in the new portal

Worked out great.

Now I have only been playing MC for about 2 weeks, so the next thing I want to do is a little bit too chalanging for me.


I have a nicely working Blazefarm in the Nether, but it is a kinda danerous walk. I wonder if I can create a portal near my base which will instanly TP me to the location.

Basically I want to build a portal in the Nether at:

Nether: X: -70/71; Y: 72; Z: -139

Now if I make the calculations I will end up way too far in the overworld.

I will end up at:

Overworld: X: 560; Y: ? Z: -1112

But my main portal, and base are at:

Overworld: X: 180/181; Y: 50; Z: 340

That's a hell of a journey for me.


I wonder if the following would work.

  • I build a new portal in the overworld more than 128 blocks from my old one
  • I fire it
  • I go trough my old portal to the Nether
  • I build my new Nether portal close to my blazefarm
  • fire it and go trough it

Will I then end up and the new portal in the overworld?

I am planning to build the Overworld poral at:

New Overworld portal: X: 220/221; Y: 12; Z: 200

The Z coordinate is now more than 128 blocks away from the old one.

Best Answer

The short answer is no. When You enter the a portal from the nether, on your way to the overworld, Minecraft calculates the primary portal coordinates with this generalized equation:

{X, Y, Z} → {floor(X) × 8, Y, floor(Z) × 8}

The game then checks for an active portal in a 128 block radius around that location. Given your nether portal coordinates:

X: -70; Y: 72; Z: -139

Your overworld portal must be within the following horizontal bounds:

X = -688, -432
Z = -1240, -984

Remember, any overworld portals within 1024 blocks of each other will link to the same nether portal, because 1024 blocks in the overworld = 128 blocks in the Nether, and the game checks for portals in a radius of 128 blocks.

If you build a new nether portal at the blaze farm and destroy your old portal, your main base portal will probably link up to your blaze farm. However, when you attempt to go back to the overworld, Minecraft will look for a portal within the above bounds and create a new one if it doesn't find one.

Your best option is probably to build a rail line from your current portal to the blaze farm. Ghasts can destroy any block with a blast resistance below 20.17, but they won't shoot at you without a line of sight, so you can make an inexpensive safety-tunnel around your rail line with pure Netherrack.

You can also build a more scenic tunnel with stone, glass, leaves, fences, etc, since Ghasts cannot "see" through transparent blocks.