Minecraft – Detect flying players in skyblock


I'm creating a vanilla 1.10 skyblock server and I'm trying to find a way to detect flying players. I considered using a /tesfor command to check for air 1 block below the player, but if a player is crouched and hanging off of a block to extend their island (making a "bridge" out of cobblestone, for example) that would give a false positive. There's also the possibility that a player will be using an elytra, or falling off their island into the void. Is there a feasible work around for this?

Best Answer

As Rudolf L. JelĂ­nek said, you could make command blocks try and detect cheating players, but I would strongly recommend not doing that, and instead using an anticheat plugin. When I had a server, we had a huge cheating problem, so we had to install tons and tons of anticheat plugins. I would personally recommend NCP / NoCheatPlus, just because of its config file (which you can make ONLY have fly detection, and you can choose what happens) it is, in my honest opinion, one of the best free Bukkit anticheat plugins out there. If you are looking for a paid alternative, there is a plugin called KnightFall. I couldn't find the link with a simple Google Search, but it is the top-of-the-line anticheat.

Hope this helps.