Minecraft digging speed attribute


I am currently trying to implement a custom crafting recipe in which it will place a dropper with a stone pickaxe with faster digging attributes. I was looking at


but I couldn't find any modifiers to increase digging speed.

execute at @p run setblock ~ ~-1 ~ dropper{Items:[{Slot:4b,id:"minecraft:stone_pickaxe",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:'[{"text":"test pick","italic":false}]'},AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"effect.digSpeed",Name:"effect.digSpeed",Amount:10,Operation:2}]}}]} replace

Is there any specific attribute to increase digging speed?
If there isn't, I'm hoping for maybe an invisible potion effect when the item is held.

Best Answer

Sadly that is not a thing however, you could use the efficiency enchantment like so:

execute at @p run setblock ~ ~-1 ~ dropper{Items:[{Slot:4b,id:"minecraft:stone_pickaxe",Count:1b,tag:{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:efficiency",lvl:200}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:'[{"text":"test pick","italic":false}]]'}}}]} replace

It will put a pickaxe with efficiency level 200 in the dropper