Minecraft – Dispenser stops shooting items when full


I've got a basic chicken farm, which takes eggs from a bunch of seed chickens, and channels them down to a dispenser. The dispenser has a comparator coming out the back which checks whether it's full, then it starts a comparator clock, which fires the dispenser until it's empty. It works great, until the dispenser gets full, then it stops working for some reason. Any ideas on how I can modify this so it'll always work?

The pictures below should illustrate my setup. If you imagine the third picture is a still frame: all the eggs are in the dispenser and nothing is happening. The comparator isn't turning on or off.

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

When the dispenser is full, the comparator is getting a signal strength of 15 from the dispenser. The signal from the repeater that it leads into is giving at most a signal of power 12 to the side of the comparator:

enter image description here

As 15 > 12, the comparator remains on.

To fix this, you should have the repeater lead into a comparator clock, rather than using the same comparator to detect the items in the dispenser and act as a clock. E.G:

enter image description here

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