Minecraft – Do zombie testifacates naturally spawn like regular zombies in Minecraft xbox 360 edition


Do zombie villagers in the Xbox 360 edition spawn randomly or does there have to be villagers in the world originally

Best Answer

As of TU14, Zombie Villagers are part of console edition.

From the wiki:

Zombie villagers comprise 5% of all spawned zombies. They behave as ordinary zombies, but their character model's head and face is reminiscent of that of a villager, shaded with a darker green hue.

Zombie villagers can also result from zombie attacks on villagers. If any type of zombie kills a villager, there is a chance that the villager will transform into a zombie villager (100% on hard difficulty, 50% on normal, 0% on easy).

Zombie villagers will spawn in worlds where there are no villagers.