minecraft-legacy-console – Villager Mechanics: Does a Villager Count Towards the Cap if 6 Blocks Below a Door?


People say to dig down 6 blocks and have 6 doors on ground level. Does it have to be exactly 6? Can it be more or less? Is that from the bottom of the door to the block the villagers feet is under? enter image description here
Also is there anything wrong that would prevent villagers from reproducing in this picture?

Best Answer

The height difference has to be 6 or more but cant be more then 32. I generally do 10 to be safe. Also, there can be no doors other then on the level with the single villager within 64 blocks.

As to the number of doors, it has to be at least 6. It can be more if they are placed in the right position, but you don't need anymore then 6 for this to work. It is a waste of doors. With 6 doors, they will continue to breed infinitely.

Generally speaking, I have one villager with 6 doors, all by his lonesome. Then 10 blocks above or below him, I have the villagers that I want to breed.

What is happening is the single villager and his 6 doors create a village that should have 2 villagers. The villagers above/below him are considered a part of the village which means they are in breed mode, but they are not counting in the village census. So it is a village with 1 counted villager and other villagers in breed mode which are not counted(and neither are their offspring) so they just continue to breed. Here is the wiki on villager breeding for more info.

Additionally, if you supply the breeding villagers with a farm and have at least one brown coat villager, he will farm and feed the breeders.

Here is the simplest "infinite breeder" I could come up with for an example: