Minecraft – Double stack of sticky piston, top wont pull


version 1.12

Only not extended pistons can be pulled back, that I understand. So the top one needs to retract earlier, than when the bottom retracts it will bring the top one. That works, BUT:

Even if I manage the timing so that the top piston is pulled back correctly by the bottom one, when its pulled back only the piston comes back, not the block on top of it.

I have 3 repeaters at the bottom one, so the delay is enormous..:enter image description here
Than when I retract:enter image description here
When the bottom retracts, the top one have been retracted much earlier..so I guess its impossible? Im not much experienced with minecraft.

Is that intended behavior? Is there any workaround?

Best Answer

Your circuit can work but you are missing a last pulse to the upper piston once both pistons have retracted to retract the block.

I recreated what I saw in the images to modify your current circuit. I reduced the delays you had and added a pulse device.

Here it is extended. The two repeaters, redstone dust, and observer form the pulse device.

Here it is retracted. Retracted

Here is a side view for timing of repeaters Timing

This is a different circuit example all together. It is the most compact, fastest circuit I could come up with if you want to start from scratch or want to build another one elsewhere. Double Extender