Minecraft – Execute as selector if nearest entity has a tag


I want to execute a command to an armor stand if the nearest pig has a specific tag.

The commands that I have tried so far…

execute as @e[type=armor_stand] at @s if entity @e[type=pig,limit=1,sort=nearest,tag=carrot] run <command>

does not work because it checks if "carrot"-pig exists.

Having a pig with no tag "carrot" between the armor stand and the "carrot"-pig will just result to test passed.

execute as @e[type=armor_stand] at @s as @e[type=pig,limit=1,sort=nearest] if entity @s[tag=carrot] run <command>

might have worked but it changed the selector.

Best Answer

Use the as parameter to switch executor to the armour stand at the end.

  at @e[type=armor_stand,limit=1,sort=nearest]  # Move the location to the armour stand
  as @e[type=pig,limit=1,sort=nearest]          # NEAREST PIG NOW HAS CONTROL
  if entity @s[tag=carrot]                      # If I have the tag carrot, continue to the next step, otherwise stop.
  as @e[type=armor_stand,limit=1,sort=nearest]  # ARMOUR STAND NOW HAS CONTROL
say The nearest pig to me has the carrot tag!

The execution position before the last as is still at the armour stand, so the selector always finds the armour stand that started, except if there are multiple at the exact same coordinates.