minecraft-java-edition,networking,hosting – Fixing Minecraft Server ‘Failed to Bind Port’ Error


I started a local Minecraft server on my Windows XP computer, but didn't shut it down correctly once finished by using the stop command.

Now when it starts up, it says "Failed to bind port 25565. Stopping server"

In fear of making this mistake again, I would like to know if there is a way to "unclog" the port. Any answer will do! Thank you.

Best Answer

You posted seven hours ago, so the immediate problem may have been resolved by the reboot suggested in another answer. However, as a more fine-tuned solution, you might find this answer valuable: How to close TCP and UDP ports via windows command line.

Rebooting the entire machine will end all processes, freeing all ports used by those processes, and that includes the 'defunct' Minecraft server process using 255656. However, if you end that process itself (and any of its children), you will be able to free the port it used.

Minecraft is a good practice environment for many skills you can use later. If you ever want to run a server in a work environment, you'll want to avoid rebooting it unless absolutely necessary, so practising the more precise fix is valuable.