Minecraft – Filling minecarts on command


I'm performing some experiments with the new track types and have run into a problem — I want to test the physics of occupied carts without being in them myself (as that makes it very hard to see the "big picture").

I have the Single Player Commands mod installed, but the spawn command doesn't target the way I expected it to. Instead of creating an NPC where I'm looking (say, at a minecart), the NPC seems to be spawned at a random point near me.

Is there a way to reliably put a rider in a cart with SPC or another mod?

Best Answer

I know this dodges your answer, but you could run a local server (copying your SSP map to it) after changing the server.properties's online-mode to false, run a second instance of minecraft in offline mode, connect both to your local pc and have the offline char sit in the minecart, then alt+tab to the original instance to watch "yourself" ride the cart.