Minecraft – Find home in hardcore Minecraft with reduced debug information


I am playing in a hardcore survival Minecraft single player world where I have reduced debug information. I am currently at my home but I'd like to explore. I cannot write down my co-ordinates and I cannot use a map because they are both limited in size and your position relative to the map disappears after a few hundred blocks.

How do I, without the use of mods or tools (programs, websites, etc), save and come back to my home after exploring my hardcore survival world with reduced debug information?

I have tried walking "only in one direction" however this is very boring and I tend to walk slightly to the left, meaning after 10K blocks I will not be able to "go straight back". Having a path of blocks is also not ideal because they can be difficult to set up properly. If I have a block placed a bit further down for some reason then I might not see it and then go in another direction searching.

Best Answer

Маке а compass and a lodestone. Place the lodestone in your home. Use the compass on the lodestone. The compass will always point to that lodestone.

There is also a cheaper method if your home is close to the world spawn: A normal compass always points to world spawn. Mark a path from your home to the world spawn and then go exploring. With the compass you can always go back to world spawn and from there - to your home.