Minecraft – Fire Protection vs Protection


Does anyone know how much the difference is between a full set of armor with at least level 4 "Fire Protection" on all items and a set of level 4 "Protection" if you swim in lava?
I'm thinking about getting a full set of protection, because it blocks most damage-types and if it would keep you alive for a good amount of time in lava, this would be my decision.

I searched Google and the MC-Wiki about this and didn't find an answer.

Best Answer

If you have a full set of Fire Protect IV Armor what will give you an Enchantment Protection Factor factor of 25 (9 EPF per-piece * 4, capped at 25). This should block 100% of the fire damage you may receive. Since the EPF is capped at 25, having 4 pieces is essentially a waste. It only takes three pieces of armor with Fire Protect IV to cap your EPF against fire. So you should put something else on that fourth piece of armor.

If you have a full set of Protect IV, that means your EPF will be 20 (5 EPF per piece). This will cut the damage you take by 80%.

See: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Armor#Enchantments