Minecraft – force remove mods in minecraft forge


I want to remove some mods after I played and build some mod's stuffs (like pipe in buildcraft). If I just delete mod, minecraft launcher will get error at start (It say something like missing block ids or can't map block ids or something like this.). Is there any way to just remove it or replace mod's stuffs with something like sand when remove mods.

edit: I forgot to mention that I want to fix it on my server not single player game.

ps: Sorry for my bad English.

Best Answer

When you remove a mod and load a world that used parts of it it should pop up a message saying Ids are missing and bad things might happen and the like. But you should be able to continue on and actually load the world... All the blocks that no longer are understood are instead changed into air blocks.. I have had a few interesting results doing this not on purpose at times.