Minecraft – get a basic list of all permissions that I can deny/allow in PEX


I am currently building my server, and I chose the PEX Bukkit plugin.

It is so far very easy to use. (Although I am a programmer, so any weird settings file that you have to edit using the command line hooked via SSH to your Raspberry Pi is easy.) That's not the point.

I have been wondering is there a Wiki or similar page that lists all the basic permissions in a fresh Bukkit install? I can easily get them for my mods mods; almost all of them are well supported and have a little section on their page. The ones that aren't I would never give away the power to use them "cough cough anti-greif." However I cannot find a simple list of the basic permissions that will be compatible with PEX.

What I want are things like "stop server" or "help" that are standard to Minecraft.

Best Answer

I believe you are referring to the permission nodes that are integrated into Bukkit already, such as /say, /plugin, /help, /stop, etc. You can find them all on the Bukkit Wiki, in a nice, organized table.