Minecraft – Getting slimes to spawn


I'm trying to make a slime farm, but I can't get slimes to spawn. I've found the Slime chucks, I'm below level 40, I have a 3 high room, I know it's a slime chuck because when I place a mob spawner to place slimes they spawn, the spawner does nothing in a no-slime chuck.

Do slimes need anything else to spawn other than under 40, and in a 3 high room?

Best Answer

Slimes have the same mob cap as other mobs, so they won't spawn very frequently if there are a lot of unlit caves around. To get good rates, light up all caves at least in a 30 block radius (150 blocks for perfect rates), and make sure the room itself is lit up. Slimes spawn in lit areas underground, and that will keep the other mobs from spawning.

Another tip: create multiple levels in the slime chunk, and you'll get tons more slimes!