Minecraft glitching out on PC


So I'm playing Minecraft right and than I relog because I'm logged in and my screen looks like this What I'm seeing

I'm so lost can anyone help me please my render distance is on 2 and I put my graphics fancy fast all that, does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Best Answer

This looks like Vertex Buffer Objects(VBOs) problem, it should increase your FPS by 5% to 10% on average. Check under your video settings and look for VBOs. Turn them on if they are off.

If this doesn't fix your problem try allowing Minecraft more access to your computers memory. Here is a step by step tutorial: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/support/unmodified-minecraft-client/tutorials-and-faqs/1871637-tutorial-allocate-more-memory-for-minecraft

Here is a video on how to do it.

Note There is a different way to do it for 1.9