Minecraft – How common are certain enchantments in the enchantment table


If I enchanted a sword with a level thirty enchantment what chance would i have to get fire aspect I or II or sharpness V, is it a definite or is it unpredictable?

Best Answer

It is not predictable what enchantments you will get but at certain enchantment levels, you will get some enchantments with a higher probability. This chart shows the probability for diamond tools:

Diamond Tools Probability

If you want to have a certain enchantment on your item, I would recommend checking out this enchantment calculator: Minecraft Enchantment Calculator or a list of precalculated probabilities

Also, the Minecraft Wiki can give you the algorithm Minecraft uses for calculating enchantments. It is pretty complex and you really don't need to get into it, but it is definitely interesting: How Enchantments Are Chosen