Minecraft – How do find snowy taiga biomes


I have always wanted to find a snowy taiga biome, but I can not find any of them. I have only ever found one snowy taiga, but I did not have much time to explore it because I was in the demo. Also, I do not know what they look like on AMIDST. Is there a way to always find a snowy taiga?

Best Answer

Biomes are generated randomly. The short answer is to keep walking, and you will eventually find one.

There are a few things you can do to improve your odds though:

  • Best way: Use a seed. Just find a seed that starts you off in or near a taiga biome.

  • Next best way: map your current seed. You can map your seed with a mapping program like Amidst. This will allow you to easily find where the taiga biomes are. You can output your seed by hittng t and entering /seed.

  • Least cheaty way: Look for neighbouring biomes. Recently, biomes can only border other similar biomes. A desert cannot be next to a taiga biome for example. If you head towards 'colder' biomes in your exploration, you will be more likely to find a taiga than if you explore near deserts.