Minecraft – how do i clear block lag


so, in a singleplayer world, i just got a lag that looks like multiplayer lag.

there's like a delay between things, (when i push a button, it took longer to go back to normal. when i attack a mob (any type), they got damage, but the knockback is slow, like if they were in slow motion. etc.)

how do i fix this ??

i got this problem when playing a map. well, the map is kinda huge.
then i got this problem too when im playing single player with like 15 mods or so.

is this because my computer can't handle it ??

Best Answer

Since some version pretty long ago, singleplayer no longer differs from multiplayer - the game still runs a server inside, and client communicates with it.

Generally yes, it means that your computer has not enough processing power to handle all it needs to. I usually don't experience it, but I do when I start a new world - the game is busy generation the world and processing new chunks, so it has less time to process mob AI (including them being hit) and block updates.

You can try to allocate more memory to Java runtime in launcher (click Edit profile - JVM arguments - change -Xmx parameter to larger values), or reduce render distance in Minecraft options.

If none of this helps, and it is definitely related to a certain map (you don't get lags on simpler maps / with less mods), then, unfortunately, it is a problem of your hardware.