Minecraft – How does sethbling “steal items from air” in this video


Around 0:40, sethbling throws iron blocks at the huge villager statue, and they vanish. How does that work? And what version of Minecraft do I need to use to do this?

Best Answer

The easiest way would be a teleport command such as:

/tp @e[type=Item,x=X1,y=Y1,z=Z1,r=10] X2 Y2 Z2

Replace "X1", "Y1" and "Z1" with the coordinates where you want the items to be "stolen" from, and "X2", "Y2" and "Z2" with where you want the items to be moved to. You can also change the "10" to increase or decrease the radius from the point that things are stolen from.

This requires a minimum of snapshot 14w02a.